October 9, 2017 Sadie Cove
First of all, the operation involved extensive bibliographical research. The latter have been greatly facilitated by the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, which granted Sébastien Perrot-Minnot access to its databases, and by Janet Klein, a scientist who has dedicated herself to studying the past of Kachemak Bay. The […]
October 6, 2017 Thâj
The first campaign of the Thâj Franco-Dutch-Saudi mission took place from October 25 to November 30 2016. In order to understand this gigantic site, several operations were carried out simultaneously: -photogrammetric coverage of the site by drone in order to obtain a digital terrain model and a global orthophotography of […]
October 6, 2017 Taposiris Magna
Although the archaeological mission is now also focusing on the neighbouring city of Plinthine, research continues in the city of Taposiris Magna. It focuses on a few emblematic buildings but also, and above all, on the hydraulic systems, in particular the large underground gallery which was highlighted by Evaristo Breccia. […]
September 4, 2017
The ninth campaign of architectural surveys and archaeological excavations in Tyre took place from October 3 to 29, 2016. Following the previous missions, the general topographical and architectural plan was continued. The topographical surveys, realized to understand the main buildings of this approx. 8.6 ha. wild site, also kept on. […]
June 9, 2017 Duzdagi
In 2016, excavations on the Duzdagi salt dome concentrated on the areas where we had previously worked in 2015: area M1, where we have focused most of our work since the beginning of our research, but also area M14, which we had just begun to examine last year. In M1, […]
March 20, 2017 Adam
The 2017 campaign lasted four weeks, from January 5th to February 2nd. Three seperate facilities have been uncovered on the Mudhmar East site. Building 1, mesuring 15 m long, is the largest building of the Mudhmar East complex. Facing east-west, it was built on the side of the Jabal […]
March 20, 2017 Pompeii - Porta Nocera
The 2016 excavation season took place from 29 August to 30 September 2016. It focused on the two zones which had already been explored last year: zone A to the west and zone B to the east. Zone A In zone A, work concentrated on a small funerary monument […]
March 16, 2017 Mebon
The excavations which took place from 20 April to 20 May 2015 were part of the fourth year of the restoration project on the West Mebon temple. The team was made up of 16 people, including two archaeologists from APSARA and two from Éveha International. Excavations were focused on the […]