November 14, 2019 Bear Island
As part of the Bear Island Project, Sébastien Perrot-Minnot undertook a mission to Alaska last September. On that occasion, he met with the project’s partners, did some documentary research, examined and photographed the stone artifacts from Bear Island kept at the Pratt Museum, and visited SEL-00036 with Janet Klein. During […]
November 14, 2019 Sangiran
The 2019 campaign took place in Sangiran during May. As part of the HOH 2019 program, five scopes of reflections have been developed by students in the context of group projects: • Groupe 1 : Museums and sites • Groupe 2 : Perception of museums in Sangiran • Groupe 3 : Living […]
October 21, 2019 Concha
In preparation for the Seville mission, some of the members of the Concha project (CHAM, Uninorte, Éveha) met for several workshops in Lisbon. During the third session of the Days of investigation in maritime history and archaeology (“El Paisaje Marítimo y las sociedades de las ciudades costeras”), Aurélie Mayer (Éveha […]
October 16, 2019 Jarama
The second excavation campaign, conducted during the winter of 2019, uncovered a complex monument combining a circular tomb measuring 4,20 m of diameter with a rectangular building divided by internal walls (fig.4). Three individuals were found in cells located in the center of the tomb (fig.5) : two adults and […]
September 19, 2019 Pegarinhos
La sixième campagne de fouilles programmées du site du Vale de Mir – Pegarinhos (Portugal) s’est déroulée du 8 au 19 juillet derniers. L’objectif était de compléter les données sur l’organisation d’un établissement rural antique installé sur les rebords d’un plateau granitique situé à quelques kilomètres au nord du Douro. […]