March 15, 2018 Leon Viejo
The archaeological project « Leon Viejo through Time and Space » was created in 2017 to better define the spatial and chrono-cultural characteristics of this important site of Nicaragua. During the first intervention, surveys were carried out to enlight the cultural stratigraphy of the site and to confirm the existence of a […]
January 15, 2018 Qalhât
The Qalhat Project has been underway since 2007 in the Sultanate of Oman, under the direction of Axelle Rougeulle (UMR 8167, CNRS). It focuses on one of the most important port sites of the southern Arabian peninsula for the late Middle Ages. After a decade spent on field missions […]
November 14, 2017 Tamir Ulaan
After four years of fieldwork, the 2017 campaign enabled to complete the excavation of the entire eastern part of the necropolis. Studies in laboratory are now to be done, and their results compared with those of the contemporary necropolis of Egyin Gol, previously excavated. They will also help organize the […]
October 26, 2017 Pompei - RECAP
The Recap Project is based on a multidisciplinary interpretation of archaeological data. It aims to shed light on practical reconstruction methods and techniques adopted during antiquity following an earthquake (coordination H. Dessales, AOROC/ENS, UMR 8546). These problematics have hardly been tackled in the study of Roman construction history, even though […]
October 26, 2017 Dendara
The excavations carried out from mid-November to mid-December 2016 had two purposes: to complete the research on the tombs opened in 2015 and to expand northward and westward the area already explored. An additional 600 m² have thus been opened, bringing the surface studied over the last two seasons to […]
October 17, 2017 Tanis
The new research program of the French Mission of Tanis Excavations, set up in 2014, was resumed in Spring and Automn 2016. Eveha international’s collaboration focused on topographic and photogrammetric operations. Sebastien Poudroux provided the topographic recording of both ceramic and magnetometric prospecting on the tell surface. These latter were […]