
October 17, 2017 Tanis

The new research program of the French Mission of Tanis Excavations, set up in 2014, was resumed in Spring and Automn 2016. Eveha international’s collaboration focused on topographic and photogrammetric operations. Sebastien Poudroux provided the topographic recording of both ceramic and magnetometric prospecting on the tell surface. These latter were […]

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Tanis – 2015

October 13, 2016 Tanis

The new research programme launched by the Mission française des fouilles de Tanis in 2014 continued in spring 2015. Éveha International’s participation once again consisted of topographical survey (Sébastien Poudroux) and core sampling (Thierry Gonon). – The topographical survey brief this season involved accompanying the other types of survey: setting […]

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Tanis – 2014

November 12, 2014 Tanis

The season which took place in the spring of 2014 at Tanis (in the northeast of the Nile Delta, Egypt) was the first of a new four-year project focused principally on the organisation of the urban architecture and the hydrological palaeoenvironment of the Roman period town. It also involves Egyptological […]

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Tanis – 2012

October 18, 2012 Tanis

In the autumn of 2012, Éveha International sent one of their topographers to take part in the Mission Française des Fouilles de Tanis. Unfortunately, technical problems prevented the work from taking place as initially envisaged. During this season, work continued on a number of wells discovered in the temenos of […]

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